Apple is reportedly developing artificial intelligence (AI) tools to rival tech giants like OpenAI and Google. According to a Bloomberg report by Mark Gurman, Apple has been working on a chatbot internally referred to as “Apple GPT.” The company has not yet decided on a consumer release strategy but is expected to make a significant AI-related announcement next year.
To create large language models, similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, Apple has developed its own framework called “Ajax.” This framework runs on Google Cloud and was built using Google JAX, the search giant’s machine learning framework. Apple is leveraging Ajax to build large language models and as the foundation for its internal ChatGPT-style tool.
Initially, the rollout of the chatbot was paused due to security concerns related to generative AI. However, it has since been made available to more Apple employees, though special approval is still required for access. The output from the chatbot is restricted from being used to develop features for customers.
Apple’s chatbot is currently being used by employees for product prototyping. It can summarize text and answer questions based on the data it has been trained with.
While companies like Google, Microsoft, and Meta have already released generative AI products to the public, Apple has been relatively quiet on the AI front. Although the company has integrated AI features into its products and apps for years, it is now seeking to catch up with consumer demand for generative AI tools that can assist with tasks such as drafting essays and creating images.
The report highlights Apple’s focus on addressing potential privacy concerns associated with artificial intelligence. Apple CEO Tim Cook has emphasized the company’s approach to adding AI features to its products thoughtfully.
Apple has been actively recruiting talent in the generative AI space. The company has posted job openings seeking experts in generative AI with a strong understanding of large language models.
As the competition in the AI space heats up, it will be interesting to see how Apple’s foray into generative AI unfolds. With the development of its chatbot and emphasis on addressing privacy concerns, Apple aims to make a mark in the rapidly evolving AI landscape. Consumers can anticipate the company’s upcoming AI-related announcement to understand the extent of Apple’s AI ambitions and the potential impact on its products and services.